How to keep your home interior smelling great.

Photo by Logan Nolin on Unsplash

Photo by Logan Nolin on Unsplash

Everyone likes their home to smell clean and fresh, but they’re not always a bed of roses. Everyday living, kids, and dogs all contribute to the smells. You might not even notice if yours smells bad unless you’ve been out and come back. If you feel yours isn’t smelling its best, there are a number of things you can do. 

Start with the obvious

Areas that are most likely to cause smells are areas such as the rubbish bin, shoe cupboards, and plug holes. Start in you kitchen and remove any rubbish and disinfect the bin too, as this is the perfect place for nasty smells to lurk. 

Next, give your kitchen a good clean anywhere that food might build up such as the oven, microwave, and toaster. If you have a cooker hood, change the filter in it, and if you don’t have one consider getting on installed. Cooking smells can linger in your house for days. It might smell nice at the time but still smelling that meal a few days later isn’t ideal. 

Next, move on to the bathroom and give it a thorough clean too. 

Clean your carpets 

Having lovely soft carpets in your home is great, but they will pick up dirt and smells which you can’t vacuum away. There are various products you can get that make your carpets smell nice, but after a while, you’re just adding artificial scents to mask bad smells. You should get your carpets cleaned regularly by a company like ACS Carpet Cleaners who will be able to get your carpets clean and fresh. 

Open your windows

One of the best ways to clear smells from your home is to open your windows whenever possible and clear out all of the stale air. There are so many benefits to this as well as removing smells. You’ll feel clearer-headed and alert. It’s also great for removing allergens too. 

At least once a day, open some windows and doors throughout your home for at least a few minutes, or as long as possible. 

Use air fresheners

There are so many types of fragrance and air fresheners on the market these days. From essential oil diffusers to plug-ins, the choice is yours. Some people prefer more natural scents and to reduce the number of chemicals around their homes. Scented candles scattered around the house are also a good idea, or for a cheap but effective way to freshen your home, you can hide dryer sheets around the house. Flowers are effective but you have to replace them often, which becomes expensive, or you can choose a few fragrant house plants. 

Get into a routine

Keeping your house smelling great is an ongoing job. Getting into good habits is the key to keeping on top of things. Regular emptying of rubbish bins, clearing up food, and not letting laundry pile up will get rid of some of the lingering smells. 

This, alongside airing out your house and using air fresheners will create a lovely fresh and welcome scent you want.


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