Do you have Peri/Menopausal skin issues? here is why it is such an irratating symptom

One of my first symptoms was itchy skin. It was mainly an issue on my torso around my waist and back. It used to drive me crazy and even worse when I was standing in a warm or hot shower. Or laying in a warm bed, this is when I was also getting hot flashes in bed, waking up soaking wet and then freezing because I had stripped off whilst still soaked, YUK.

When I learned about how our skin works it blew my mind, so here is what all the fuss is about and what our skin does.

So our skin is structured with two main layers. Inner and outer

  • Epidermis (outer)

    This is a thin layer and contains Melanin, which gives our skin its colour

  • Dermis (Inner)

    The Dermis is thicker and supports our blood vessels, nerve endings, and fibres, mainly elastin, and collagen.

    The dermis supports the epidermis and enables our skin to thrive.

The skin has receptors that send info to our brains. The kind of info that tells us when there is a change in temperature, the things we touch, tissue damage, and light? how amazing is that?

Menopause can age our skin, so we must understand the changes so we can help protect it.

So as we know aging affects all our body cells as our metabolism slows down and declines but the poor skin cells have even more to cope with due to exterior irritants, like the Sun, heat, cold, and other environmental factors. We are all individual so how our skin reacts to these irritants can differ.

Our hormones carry messages to the brain and influence our nervous and circulatory systems. They also promote healthy cell growth and repair. So when our hormones FLUCTUATE during Per/Menopause these functions can go totally wrong.

Hormone depletion in Peri/Menopause especially Estrogen has visible physical effects because our skin contains a high level of Estrogen receptors so it’s common to experience skin problems during this time. Here are some of the issues.

  • Thinner/More easily damaged skin

  • Dryness which can cause itching(pruritus) and tingle (formication) little carwling sensation

  • Delayed wound healing

  • Hot flashes

  • Rashes

  • Acne

Lets Highlight the hot flashes

Flashing/Flushes are caused by the rise of tiny blood vessel endings toward the surface of the skin. They do this to get the most out of the air’s external coolness in order to bring down the internal raised temperature, Clever huh?

It happens to body parts that are exposed to the environment like the face, neck, and head. The skin can then sometimes make the hot flashes visible by becoming red.

We then become more self-conscious about what is going on because it can sometimes be visible to others. Then the anxiety of it hits and makes it even worse. Argh!

What the hell can we do?

Having a healthy, balanced diet with lots of hydration will assist your cells in their everyday work. Avoid eating foods that rob the body of vital nutrients or that make it hard to process. Like …….

  • alcohol

  • Sugar

  • Processed Foods

  • Foods Containing Additives

Moisturise daily, and make sure you use Sunscreen. I use Factor 50 on my face every day (it also acts as a primer)

HRT replaces the hormones that our bodies lose during Peri/Menopause to slow down the effects on the skin cells.

The right formulation and dosing can help maintain collagen production, keeping your skin elastic and cells firm.

Helping the skin to do its normal job makes it possible to retain moisturising and protective functions. It could also look healthier too.

But HRT is not for everyone or even everyone’s choice and some of you are unable to use it. So please contact and discuss this with your GP or health professional to see if it could work for you.

So the conclusion is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and good diet, exercise regularly and avoid smoking.

Love Claire x

Claire Horn